Saturday, September 4, 2010

Cool Quotes

Cool Quotes

1. If time doesn't wait for you, don't worry. Remove the goddamn battery & enjoy life.

2. Expecting the world to treat your fair cause you're a good person is like expecting the lion not to attack you cause you're a vegetarian.

3. They say beauty is not measured by your outer appearance, but whats inside that matters, Go out naked tomorrow & see how people measure you

4. Don't walk as if you rule the world, walk as if you don't care who rules the world & that's call attitude

5. All the thing you like,love, dream to own,use & do is either illigal, banned, expansive or married to someone else.

6. Drinking is our biggest enemy - Jawaharlal Nehru. We Should learn how to love our enemies - Mahatma Gandhi. Now whom to follow, & which to choose ? lol

7. 10% of road accidents are due to drunk driving, which means 90% of the road accidents aren't ! so, logically if everyone drinks & drives ...hmmmm....hahahaha..