Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Yes, Soccer is America's game

I was reading last months edition of Time magazine recently and there was a letter submitted from a reader in the in-box section caught my eyes.It was a reply for the topic It goes as below : Yes,soccer is America's Game

Your World cup special issue was much appreciated, but I must admit that some of the claims in " Yes,soccer is America's Game" had me spluttering."America has always been the center of the universe" was admittedly a quotation, but "Face it,world: the U.S is going to...own your sport sooner or later" was direct from TiME itself. Face it America:though you've always been good at individual sports, you have a lot to learn about international team sports.

When the U.S actually wins a trophy in soccer or any other truly international team sport, than maybe you can claim to be the center of the universe-at least for a day.But until that moment,its just a silly schoolyard boast.

Kevin Kavanagh
Chiang Mai, THAILAND

In my opinion, Very nice selections of words put in a very orderly manner.Its a very calm letter yet set a blaze into your heart, if you're an American that is !

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